sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

Comana de Jos

vineri, 6 august 2010

Salzburg 2010

In july i have been two days in Salzburg, Austria. The weather was rainy but i could enjoy the view of the beautiful old town.

The river Salzach is crossing the town under several bridges. It is a right tributary of the Inn and is 225 kilometres in length.

A lot of people enjoy the small squares in which music is played by artists from all over the world.


The cathedral is very big and have a nice painted interior.

luni, 14 iunie 2010

Trip to Ven island, Sweden.

Hi. Few weeks ago i made a trip in Ven Island, Sweden. Ven (Danish and older Swedish spelling Hven) is a small Swedish island in the Öresund strait, between Scania and Zealand (Denmark). It is situated in Landskrona MunicipalitySkåne County. The island has 371 inhabitants and an area of 7.5 km².

The weather wasn't fine in the morning but became perfect arround midday.

I left the harbour of Landskrona on the ferry that make the connection with the island.

Once there, first thing is to rent a bike so you can make a whole tour in a wonderful landcape.

A good friend recommended me to visit the island at the end of may, when the raps field are in flower.

In an old church we can admire the tools used by Tycho de Brache in his researches.

The old church Sankt Ibbs, it's a must in your trip.

From the church you have a fantastic view over the village.

But the most relaxing thing that contributed to a perfect day trip was the general view of the Ven island's lanscape. Have a nice day!

duminică, 23 mai 2010

Călătorie în Paris.

Am vizitat Parisul pentru trei zile și cu toate că nu am avut un timp care să țină tot timpul cu mine, pot spune ca am fost mulțumit de ceea ce am reușit sa văd. Iată câteva imagini:

În Montmartre am zăbovit în fața bisericii Sacre-Coeur de unde putem avea o panoramă superbă asupra Parisului.

Seara, panorama este superbă iar in același timp se poate admira și biserica. Intrarea este gratuită.

Și dacă tot suntem in cartier, aruncăm o privire si înspre Moulain Rouge.

Opera Garnier din Paris.

Am ajuns și la Louvre. Am lăsat vitarea muzeului pentru o vizită ulterioară.

Și catedrala Notre Dame de Paris, biensur!

Și cam așa arata turnul Eiffel pe ploaie. O zi bună!

duminică, 7 martie 2010

Övedskloster - Trip in Skåne

I took a nice trip in Skåne with some friends, so i post some pictures of the region how i saw it  in the 6th of march, 2010. The castle in the picture is called Övedskloster and it is now a private property. the pictures are taken in the castle's garden and the nearby Rococo church.

Exo feat Vescan - Prietena ta


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